Home power and energy systems

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Small home systems cowers the range from single room rural houses with 3 led lamps and a moble phone chahger up to 2-3 rooms and 10 led lamps + mobile charger. This is a 12 volt system and we use 12 volt equipment so car accessories can be connected to these systems. All systems have a European / Japanese AGM or Gel battery to get a good reliability for at least 5-7 years in warm areas and more years in mountain regions. Option is Lithium battery when very hot. Here however there are problems in airfreight.  Solar panels 100W and up as thin film panels as they are best in  tropical climates. Here they handle high temperatures better and do also give more output when cloudy and rainy. Sunnytek could offer a new generation Ni-MH battery and offer 10-20 years life time for medium sized kits and larger.

Long life solar home kits with 25 years design life. Special design with special battery technology that can operate for 25-35 years without replacement.

Nano-system is the smallest system we offers with a all in one box with battery and electronics inside. This used less advanced components to get costs down but battery is still a Japanese AGM battery and no China solution.  

Mini home kits a complete small system with Lithium battery solutions for areas where it is over 30-35 C at daytime.    

Home power kits micro for smaller houses.              

Home power kit small is a bit larger and suitable when house is larger or more lamps are needed.                                                                                                                           

Home power kit Medium is for larger houses and single class rooms.    Home power for Kit large houses. Complete  system.

Home power kit long life. This is unique as it needs no maintenace for about 20 years as we have special battery system.

Ni-Fe based Solar long life home systems for cloudy areas with mimited sunlight and based on Ni-Fe energy storage

Salt based battery home kits for cloudy areas and very low maintenance and long life time

Home power kits for schools. Here we work with no grid.     References and works in Churches in tropical areas.   

Long life time Ni-Mh energy storage systems.                      Special solar home systems for cloudy hot areas

 SP 40 is a smaller system with external battery.

Solar mirror systems with parabolic mirror

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Max  Power lithium battery is a new solutions that replace lead batteries or other Lithium cells in a simple and less costly way.

More information and details about the small Home kit with 10W solar panel. For some cases several houses want to share a system and here we have made a package for five small houses to reduce costs a bit. This is a good alternative when micro finance solutions are an option. Here we have one larger system and 5 separate house outputs. Here we have a very good GEL battery specially designed for solar applications. Micro credit solar package.                        

More information about the five house small system.

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Sunnytek Solar Sweden AB:       Phone +46 73 708 80 64          Mail.  sales@sunnytek.se