Left side. LaserCatch 200 Dome camera with active laser illumination an synchronized zoom of laser + camera. Pan and tilt integration and analogue camera output. Range max 200-400 meter. Lasedome 300 new generation new information
Right side LaserCatch 1000 with pan and tilt unit. Range max 1000 meter an integrate pan and tilt unit as option. Analogue camera and integrated signal processor.
Left side LaseCatch 2000 laser camera with 2000 meter range. Like other cameras laser can be turned on and off and be zoomed synchronized with camera zoom.

Right side LaserCatch 3000 laser camera with 3000 meter range and as others it have a pan and tilt unit as standard. If needed we deliver camera with no PT included.

Left side Special MIl style system with laser camera and thermal camera in same unit. Range is 3000 meter for laser camera and thermal camera match range. 640x480 pixels and 8-14 micron spectra. 200 mm lens diameter gives high sensitivity.
Right side LaserCatch 3000 long range camera with a large 200 mm diameter zoom telescope. System have a huge 128X zoom lens and laser trat tracks camera zoom. This is the perfect system for marine camera surveillance as it gives a far better image that other cameras at long range

Left side 1000 meter special system with laser and camera in separate units on one pan and tilt unit.
Right side SeaLynx range gated camera that use a pulsed laser and range gating to see through bad weather. This technology gives an improvement in range of about 2-3 X other cameras.

Left side a special 10 Km active laser camera with huge optics and high power laser. This device is controlled over the web.
Right. Image done with near IR led cameras that is a complement to laser cameras. Illumination makes a large imrpovement in image quality and contrast.
More links about gated cameras.
* Page with all links related to active cameras and laser cameras
* PDF file range gated camera presentation where we show what it is practically fo the user.
* Short range laser cameras for non moveable installations. 500 meter range and good image quality.
* Laser Catch series of active vsion cameras. Range 400-1000 meter and HDTV output. Web interface.
* LaserCatch 1000 short range active laser camera system with 1000 mete range in darkness.
* LaserCatch 1500 medium range active laser zoom camera for day and night operation
* LaserCatch 3000 the 3000 meter range active laser camera. Manual of LaserCatch 3000 lasercamera.
* LaserCatch 3000/750 long range camera system description
* PDF summary about active laser camera models including 3D cameras and laser scanners
* Gated cameras in marine applications 3000 meter range in a harbor.
* Active LED based near IR cameras with up to 500 meter in range
* Argus long range camera systems in border security . Dito part 2 about home land security border controll cameras.
* Laser illumination and laser lamps for camera applications in night time and bad weather.
* Laser dome camera manual and instruction how to use it.
* Laserdome 300/311 the new generation Laserdome camera Active vision system.
* Lascam IR 330 PTZ is a pan and tilt zoom camera for shorter ranges up to 400 meter in range.
* Lascam IR 332 active medium range camera 300-600 meter with PT unit and dual zoom
* PTZ Twin cam with thermal + laser camera on a PT unit-. Model T-Cam 330.
* TwIn cam dual spectra camera with thermal camera and laser camera in same housing. 10 Km range