Presentation and summary about some of our works and what we offer.
Argus camera advanced system information
Argus camera principle of operation and how it can see through murky and dirty waters.
Argus camera system layout and principle of operation
Argus camera. Manual and instruction and many details about the device.
Multicam 3D camera system for making 3D CAD files of sub sea objects.

3D camera system tests and results. Sub sea . Multicam solution.
Sub sea range gated cameras information.
Sub sea range gated laser cameras.
LED illumination for extended range in dirty waters. How our system works and output of camera
Manual of sub sea Lynx range gated camea system for 300 meter depth.
Absorption of laser light in water with algee particles. Some results of tests in Norway
Software for contrast enhancement and better image quality.
Sub marine periscope camera system with integrated DGPS adn 360 degree FOV.
Laser Dolphin large paravan camera system with laser scanner and cameas for deep sea mapping
Paravan camera system for large area mapping from small boats.