Paravan camera for sub sea large area mapping

Paravan camera is aa smart and sikmple way to look at sea bed with cameras over very large areas. The paravan camera is ballanced to always be horizontal independent of speed through water. This small 20 Kg device can operate up to 2-3 knotw in speed aqt depths of 1-30 meter. The system use a camera and a special spectral LED illumination to see through water in best ways. Videos from cameras are recorden on the boat in a digital memory/ PC system. This is very good for environmental studies and biology and fauina analyzes.

Beside camera the paravan unit can carry other sensors as wanted. Temp sensors, PH meters, Algee counters and slit camera systems. Photos here are from outside Waxholm in Stockholm archipelago at 2 meters depth at 2 knots in speed in monochrome view.

Storskär 2 paravanStorskär 1 paravanFixad 4 överstyrt filter65M process

Bottom images are at 25 meter depth by color video. Here left image is done with normal video and right is enhanced in a special software to give better contrast.

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