Gyro stabilized camera and sensor mounts for high speed boats. Here we have 2 stabilized systems and a range of sensors that can for on mounts. They have Gyro and servo systems and special feaures as Georeferenced position to lat and long coordinates ( GPS) .

Range gated cameras and see through cameras that see through bad weather and reduced visibility range. Here we offers very good image quality and long range Nivis day and night operation.

Gyro stabilized binocular systems with high speed mechanical gyro inside. These are very good when boat moves and a steady view is needed.

Thermal camera systems to see in night and bad weather and to find lost persons. We have several models and hand held systems like thermal binoculars for marine SAR.

Active laser cameras that use a laser as lightsource when ambient light is low. These cameras gives a far better image quality as noise and brightness is far better with a laser light source. Range to 10 Km in dense darkness.
Radar based dual camera systems with support by a radar system in same turret. Here radar can aim targets and cameras get image direct on radar data position. Camera is a dual spectra camera with a LWIR thermal camera and an active laser camera side by side.

This system have a camera tracker so it follows motions and targets with camera a100% automatic
Sub sea cameras and sensor solutions. Here we have several solutions in deep sea and divers cameras and other electro optics that can be used sub sea. Unique range of paravan cameras for large area bottom examination.
See through haze and fog special cameras that enhance image quality and increase visibility range a lot. This works and days and nights and can cooperate with active laser illumination. We have several layputs but all have laser and special image processing software

Hand held camera imagers with recoding capability to record events of interest in a memory. Thermal LWIR camera based or laser camera based models are available.