Airborne laser radar system with camera for 3D syhchronized mapping and photo of areas.
UAV sensor ideas and possibilities for GIS data collection and home land security.
Combiscan 1200 system and characteristics. Sensor fusion solution for airborne mapping.
LRS1500 laser radar scanner manual and information
Test flight with a R44 and a 700 meter range laser scanner of the new low cost series.
ALTM 120 mini altimeter for UA with 120 metes range and small size.
ALTM 500 laser altimeter manual
ALTM 2500/4000 slow speed altimeter protocoll information
ALTM 2500 / 5000 the MIL spec altimeter with 2500 m or 5000meter in range and 1000HZ in speed
ALTM 2500 manual and instruction / The 5000 meter model is same but longer range
Linemapper the laser scanner and camera solution to map electrical power lines from a helicopter
Laseroptronix Tripple Star multiscanner system
Laseroptronix Tripple scann ideas and technology
Radar altimeter system for aircrafts.
Gyrowiev gyrostabiliserad kikare för spaning.
Gyroview 3 instruktionsbok / Gyro wiev 3 manual and instruction of Gyro binbocular system
Airborne detection of spruce bark beetle / Luftburen detektering av granbarkborr