Active camera link page and hub


Lascam1000 PT

More links about gated cameras.

PDF file range gated camera presentation where we show what it is practically fo the user.

* Lascam mini Bino is a small hand held system with 200 meter in range and a totally invisible laser illuminator.

* Lascam minirecorder is a small hand held last record for 24/7 applications. Laser illumination create best video quality

* Short range laser cameras for non moveable installations. 500 meter range and good image quality.

* LaserCatch short range models 200-400 models optimized for urban applications with bright lamps and shadows in same scene and  extreme demands in hygh dymanic range

* Laser Catch series of active vsion cameras. Range 400-1000 meter and HDTV output. Web interface.

* LaserCatch 1000 short range active laser camera system with 1000 mete range in darkness.

* LaserCatch 1500 medium range active laser zoom camera for day and night operation

*  LaserCatch 3000 the 3000 meter range active laser camera.  Manual of LaserCatch 3000 lasercamera.

* LaserCatch 3000/750 long range camera system description

* LaserCatch S 3000 laser camera images. This is an improved high quality video model for long range identification.

*  PDF summary about active laser camera models including 3D cameras and laser scanners

*  Gated cameras in marine applications  3000 meter range in a harbor.

*  Active LED based near IR cameras with up to 500 meter in range

* Argus long range camera systems in border security .  Dito part 2 about home land security border controll cameras.

* Laser illumination and laser lamps for camera applications in night time and bad weather.

* Laser dome camera manual and instruction how to use it.

* Laserdome 300/311 the new generation Laserdome camera Active vision system.

* Lascam IR 330 PTZ is a pan and tilt zoom camera for shorter ranges up to 400 meter in range.

* Lascam IR 332 active medium range camera 300-600 meter with PT unit and dual zoom

* Lascam IR 420 camera unit with web interface and high resolution 2.1 megapixel camera. TCP-IP protocol

* PTZ Twin cam with thermal + laser camera on a PT unit-. Model T-Cam 330.

*Twin-Cam short and medium range cameras with 2 paralell camera outputs in LWIR and visible / near + laser illumination

* TwIn cam dual spectra camera with thermal camera and laser camera in same housing. 10 Km range

* TriCam 3 different spectra special MIL specified camera system. Active laser. passive Visible and LWIR operation

* Military specified laser cameras and sensors

* Duocam PTZ / Radar camera system for advanced home land security applications.

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