Francis turbines

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Francis turbines works from about 10 meter to 200 meter water head and is very popular due tyo good performance and controls. We deliver systems form 20 KW up to MW sizes for different water heads.

The complex mechanics with adjustable vanes make regulation very good . Efficiency can be 90% in a good design

Francis turbine11

More about one typical Francis solution with 30 meters water head

Francis turbine 30 KW for 30 meters water head

Francis turbine 80KW with 30 meters water head. Vertical shaft

Francis turbine with 180 KW output at 30 meters water head.

Francis turbine 200 KW output at 30 meters water head

Francis 225 KW horisontal turbine for 30 meters water head

Francis turbine 300 KW output at 30 meters water head.

Francis turbine 300 KW output + hydraulic governor  30 meter

Francis turbine 100 KW at 30 meters water head with stain less steel turbine for corrosive waters.

Francis turbine larger systems 2-8 MW some pictures.      ET Francis turbine solutions in short.

Francis turbine03governor copy

Right a small Francs turbine with 20KW output. Left a large horiszontal turbine.

Machine at right is the hydraulic controlled governor for a 400 KW Turbine

Inlet valve

Down left some valve solutions.

Butterfly valves are often used  to control water flow

Right the cabinet for a control system for a hydro power generator.

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