Sunnytek News 2021


March 2021. Sunnytek moved to Helö a small island in lake Mälaren. Now we are in a eco friendly locatiobn sea side Mälaren. Now we repair and biuld new houses ready 2022


Installation of a large solar system with energy storage in Mullsjö. We have a 10 KW hybride inverter and 36 KWH lead battery storage.

IMG 2038

May 2021 we invest in a excavator machine and Bobcat dumper. This mnakes it posisble to make installations of solar systrems and constreuction works around this.

Installation of a terrace room with the new transparrent solar panels witrh insulation window filled with Argon gas. THis is a development with a opartner in Sweden and the first ever solar panel that is an insulation BIPV for house building anmd have Argon gas insulation.

October 2021  We signed a large cooperation contract for a 6 year time. This is a new development work for a new type of solar panel different to what is available now. This can change a lot in eco friendly thinking. This book 20% of our capacity all time so this is the largest order we have ever got.

Aug-Sep 2021  Installation of 3 off grid systems on  small islands outside Stockholm There is no grid on these islands. We use VICTRON  components and have a Sweidh made Ihphoe ingterface for control of all parameters .

December 2021  Installation and upgrade of new energy stiorage and inbverters in the Gakwende handicap centrein Burundi. This is an upgrade of the 9 year old system we once repaired. Battery was based on old style lead systems worked for 9 years which was 1 year better than calculated. We use same typoe of battery again as they are far better in a remote area than new generation lithium battery systems.

Sunnytek Solar Sweden AB:       Phone +46 73 708 80 64          Mail.