Sub sea standard cameras


Standard Sub sea camera with 100 meter cable. This is a PAL output camera with good characteristics and an aluminum housing. Integrated white led in a ring around the lens of the camera. Reasonable cost and good performance. Pal makes it easy to connect to a monitor or a PC system.

4217100 1152

Left Titanium housing deep sea camera capable of 3000 meter in depth. High sensitivity PAL camera or a HD TV digital camera.

Right an aluminum housing camera with PAL output. Camera have a built in DSP and can make real time improvements of video stream. 1000 meter in depth operation and moderate costs make this very good for ROV applications.

Under WaterCamera 200New One

Left a stainless steel encapsulated camera with white led illumination. Nice performance and including a 100 meter PAL cable.

Right. The standard sub sea camea kit for private users and hoppy use. Complete with camera and monitor to look and a battey for some hours operation. Perfect for private boats and playing and serious applications.

Self Leveling Plumber

Right side a special sub sea camera connected to a very rugged cable with spring connection to housing. Stain less steel and built in led units to see.

Left. Wheel with sub sea cable to camera. This keeps the cable in better place than just on deck. Cable up to 100 meter in length. Soldi and rugged high quality design. Can be used with all cameras. We do malso have a much larger unit fo 500 meter cable.

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