Laser distance meters / Rangefinders

1B202012011409014832IMG 0435LDM25000 smIMG 0198aLOTOS M100 1848EX600-232mld 1000 200ZD 2500m altimeter.20101008035

Left  phase meter RF60 with up to 60 meter in range and mm accuracy.Accuracy is about 1-2 mm and spec can be up to 20 Hz. RF 150 can do 150 meter in range.

Right side pulsed distance meter 200 meter in range. Phase based and pulsed industrial distance meters. Various models with mm accuracy and max 200 meter in range to 30 KM pulsed systems. All have a computer interface RS 232 / RS 485. RF 200 info.

OEM distance meters for system integrators. No  encapsulation and open design. Computer or digital interface. We design and make own units in house.  Left is a 1 KM system and right a small phase meter with 60 meter in range


Left.  20 KM hand held system of MIL style. Yag laser and class 4 so it needs eye protection.

Right. Hand held diode based system with 3-5 KM in range in rugged casing. 1 meter in accuracy. MIl specified. RS 232 output

Left. Special high speed unit with 150 meter in range and 36 KHz in speed. This was made as a laser scanner in UAV applications as system is only 1 kg complete with scanner. USB 2 output.

Right. MIL spec system with 25 Km in range optimized to target objects at long range combined with a camera system. Acuracy 2-5 meter at full range. Full MIL Specification

Left.  Special fully MIL spec distance meter with 300 meter in range and 1 KHz in speed. Wide temp range ( - 50C to + 60+C) and vibration resistant to MIL standards. Robust design.

Similar MIL spec design with 1000 meter in range

Right. Industrial rugged system in stain less steel casing. Casigns are available with extra water cooling jacket and in EX certified design. This is used in a steel mill where it is very dirty

Left. Laser barrier system / laser photocell. Here we a a micro controoller to output and use this system to detect and protect around perimeters. Range up to 2500 meter and out door design. This system trigg a camera and send an image about what happened. This is a  long perimeter protection device

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Right. Laser altimeter that is MIL specified and very rugged. Range is max 5000 meter and output speed is 1000 Hz. Sub meter accuracy. This is used in airborne applications or camera systems to measure distances.

Right 1200 OEM laser distance meter module with high rep rate. RS 232 output. Reasonable costs makes it perfect for many OEM applications. This is open and needs an extra casing to be operated. Accuracy is +- 1 meter .

Left RF- 500 a very rugged water proof IP 67 sensor for demanding out door applications. Range is up to 500 meter to normal eflective targets. System have bad weather filters fo rain and fog.Computer Output is RS 232. More information

Left RF 1200 rugged laser distance meter with 1200 meter in max range. This is a very rugged outdoor system with long range an RS 232 interface. It also offers 4-20 mA curent look output. An opter option is relay output that is activate at specific distances. This makes it simple to use in applications like over head crane collision avoidance.

Static switch model is used as laser photocells and can be booth distance trigged and cust beam trigged.

Right LDM 20000 RS 232 HS high speed sensor. Range is 20 Km and speed 12.5 Hz. System offers MIL specifications.  This is an excellent complement to radar systems in marine applications. We offers stabilized gyro mounts for this device and cameras that look at what sensor measure.


Left LDM 30 Heavy Duty is a special extreme distance meter for worsk installation sites in industry. It have a phase meter with 1 mm in accuracy and tit can sense at up to 100 Hz in spec which is unique for a phase meter and 1 mm accuracy combined. This is the choice for steel mills, paper mills and heavy industrial applications. At right we have same sensor in a more normal encapsulation for industrial applications. All is same except encapsulation.

Left side LDM series of pulsed hand held distance meters.

We have several pulsed distance meters capable of ranges from 900 meter to 1500 meter with reasonable cost level. Accuracy is about 1 meter and there is an integrated display and monocular for aiming. All 3 models are very compact and light weighted.

Specific datasheets of laser distance meter systems and range finders.

RF 60 PH phase based distance meter with 60 meter range , RS 485 output and +-1 mm in resolution.

RF 150 phase meter with 150 meter in range and +- 1 mm in accuracy. RS 232 and other outputs available.

25Km range RS 232 OEM distance meters for integration into other systems

EG LRF 20000 laser range finder 20 Km range eye safe 1.54 micron laser new development. Binocular style

LDM 20 000 laser range finder with max 20 Km range. Old military style system . Binocular design

LRB 25000 Erbium base laser distance meter. 25 KM range and binocular style Eye safe class 1

DL 20 000 Bino hand held 20 KM New generation. Class 4 system.

DL 20 000 pulsed OEM distance meter for system integration. RS 232 output. MIL specifications. Manual of the system

LDM20000 HS / 232 is a OEM high speed laser distance meter with high speed output and RS 232 command / output.

ILM150/OEM Open unit with 3 KHz in speed and RS 232 output. Cm accuracy.

LDM 2500 MIL spec hand hel system. Solid design with MIL specifications. RS 232 output + display

ALTM 2500 laseer altimeter with MIL specifications and rugged design. Manual and technical specifications.

LDM 3000 high speed military specified sensor for OEM applications.

LDM 5000 laser distance meter with RS 232 inteface and 5000 meter in range. ( Option 6000 M )

RF 1000-OEM OEM open frame design. 1000 meter range and low speed and very good price level. PC output.

ALTM 120 micro distance meter fo small UAV. USB interface. Range max 120 meter. Smallest on market.

LDM 300 Mil is a MIL specified distance meter with RS 485 interface and 300 meter in range

LDM 40000 ultra long range distance meter with high speed output for system integrators. MIL spec design

Thermoview with laser distance meter , thermal camera. You get image ,distance and compass and inclinometer data.

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