Micro wave perimeter systems

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Micro wave perimeter alarms integrated into lamps to get discrete and not easy to understand. Dual function and long range to be a design like this. Range of over 50 meter and very weather independent  and reliable. These are very good in urban areas and match a nice garden well in appearance.

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Right. Dual wire RF sensing system where a HF radio field sense the water content in human bodies to give alarms. Range up to 250 meter and hard to fool design.

Left Radar perimeter with very long range of 500 meter an a large parabollic sensing area following terrain far better than laser perimeters. Almost inspensible to bad weather , rain and snow.

Right Radar perimeters with max 300 meter in range and very relioable operation. Like others this is based on former military designs now modified of alarm applications.

Left. Radar based portable system designed for applications in UN missions and disaster handling. Here a base canb be protected in a simple way. Sysmet operate in a RF controlled network over large areas.

Right RF based trip vire system where a thin wire is used as perimeter and sense if any one pass over the wire and break it. Range can be long and wires had to see.

Left . Relief HF wire system where the wires sense what is between the 2 wires and look for changes. All with some conductivity or capacitance will then give alarms. Here we have a system that is easy to bend in corners and have no straight beam. Range is up to 250 meter per zone. One lead can be in ground and one 2 meter up so they give a invisible barrier.

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