Home land security ideas and sensors by Laseroptronix
Some of our references in the area oif home land security sensors
Application note, Change detection to search and area after 3D changes in shape. Railroad crossings.
Range gated camera systems and sensors to see in darkness and bad weather. See through technology cameras.
Laserfence system a laser barrier solution acting as a virtual fence. Invisble detection of intruders without notice.

Virtue fence portable easy to operate invisible laser barrier with SMS / Web communication
How to protect a harbor or water area to unknown intruders in a fully automatic way.
Laser photocell with very long range and high resolution to see small objects at sea or land.
Long range active thermal photocell for marine home land security. Boat counting an size system.
Detection of objects on sea and motion and identity with 100% automatic operation. Camera verification of identity.

Border security and perimeter protection solutions by our technology.

System to protect swimming pools to accidents by drowning / sub sea camea scanner for botom area.
Argus view 1 very long range camera and border security system Part 1
Argus view 2 very long range camera and border security system Part 2
Laseroptronix laser radar applications by laser radar technology and laser scanners / 3D sensors
Laseroptronix Rail road solutions for security in rail road and sub way transports.
Protection system for rail road bridge area to debris and obstacles by laser radar technology.
Protection system for rail road crossings by Lase radar solution. Laser radar scanner for obstacles.
Platform protection system for sub ways and rail roads by laser scanner technology.
Train alert laser and led lamps for sub way protection an platforms.
Teleclick portabelt SMS larmsystem för arbetsplatser och tillfälliga installationer.